


  • 1 large banyan tree branch
  • 1 pair of wire cutters
  • 1 pair of pliers
  • 1 spool of twine
  • 1 package of tree-friendly sealant
  • 1 set of decorative tree leaves
  • 1 pair of gloves


  1. Prepare the branch:

    • Remove any leaves from the branch.
    • Cut the branch into 4 equal pieces, each about 12 inches long.
  2. Gather the leaves:

    • Collect a variety of tree leaves in different shapes, colors, and sizes.
  3. Prepare the twine:

    • Cut a piece of twine that is about 3 feet long.
  4. Attach the leaves:

    • Start by attaching the largest and most colorful leaves to the branches.
    • Use pliers to secure the leaves in place.
    • Continue adding leaves, working your way down the branches.
  5. Secure the branches:

    • Once the branches are covered, use wire cutters to secure them in place.
    • Wrap the twine around the branches and tie a knot.
  6. Seal the branches:

    • Apply a coat of tree-friendly sealant to protect the branches from moisture and insects.
  7. Add the leaves:

    • Arrange the decorative leaves around the branches in a way that you like.
    • Use pliers to secure the leaves in place.
  8. Enjoy your tree!


  • Use a variety of leaf shapes and sizes to create a more interesting and textured look.
  • Experiment with different colors and patterns to find a style that you like.
  • You can also add other embellishments, such as beads, feathers, or dried flowers.
  • Be creative and have fun!