


  • Glass bowls in various sizes
  • Clear glue
  • Dried flowers or leaves
  • Beads
  • Decorative items (optional)
  • Wire cutters


  1. Prepare the bowls: Wash and dry the glass bowls thoroughly. Ensure they are clean and free of any dirt or debris.

  2. Glue the flowers or leaves: Apply a thin layer of clear glue to the inside of the bowls. Allow the glue to dry completely according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  3. Add beads and decorative items: Once the glue is dry, add beads and any other desired decorative items to the bowls.

  4. Arrange the flowers: Arrange the dried flowers or leaves in a way that you like. You can create patterns, designs, or even a simple circle.

  5. Attach the bowls together: Use wire cutters to make a loop of wire and attach the bowls together, creating a hanging planter.

  6. Hang the planter: Hang the planter from a hook or nail in a safe location.


  • Use a variety of sizes and shapes of bowls to create a more interesting and dynamic display.
  • Experiment with different flower types and colors to create a unique and personalized arrangement.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil to the glue for a more fragrant display.
  • Hang the planter in a sunny location for optimal growth.

Additional Notes:

  • You can also use other materials, such as feathers, leaves, or even dried fruits.
  • If you don't have dried flowers or leaves, you can use fresh flowers that have been dried with a heat gun.
  • The finished product will be a beautiful and unique addition to any home decor.